GDP Statistics: Russia and other economies
Major Economies GDP Dynamics, 0-2017
Share of major economies in global GDP (disregarding other economies – about 40%)
Industrial economy development
Smart economy development
Key industrial technological solutions
Ratio of GDP growth rates in Russia and the United States since ...
How Russia’s GDP should be increased?
Please refer to the previously-issued articles entitled "What is Russia's economic growth strategy (Part I)?", "What is Russia's economic growth strategy (Part II)?".
Key factors for Russian economy growth by 5-6%:
social unity;
availability of long-term ...
What is Russia’s economic growth strategy? (part 2)
1990 - 2000 - difficult political situation, privatization.
2000 - 2004 - consolidation of oil assets within the perimeter of state-owned companies, creation of the Stabilization Fund.
2004 - 2008 - creation of major ...
What is Russia’s economic growth strategy? (part 1)
1990 - 2000 - difficult political situation, privatization.
2000 - 2004 - consolidation of oil assets within the perimeter of state-owned companies, creation of the Stabilization Fund.
2004 - 2008 - creation of major ...
BAM and Trans-Siberian Railway: History, Current Status, Development Plans
The Great Siberian Route -The longest railway in the world, the Trans-Siberian Railway, spans 9,288.2 km (1,777 km in the European part and 7,512 km in the Asian part). It was constructed from 1891 to ...
State Program ‘Development of the Transport System’
The state and level of development of the transportation system hold significant importance for the Russian Federation. Alongside other sectors of the economy, transportation provides the fundamental conditions for societal activities and contributes to achieving ...
State Program ‘Industrial Development and Enhancement of its Competitiveness’
Currently, the state policy in the field of industrial production pays special attention to import substitution. To achieve this, it is necessary to create competitive enterprises that produce modern high-tech products with high export potential. ...
Russian Technoparks: List and Functions
В России действуют десятки технопарков, в которых предприятия могут организовывать выпуск продукции, создавать и внедрять в производство научные наработки. Многие резиденты вырастают из стартапов в известные бренды, находят новых партнеров b инвесторов, получают доступ к ...
Special Economic Zones in Russia
В России внедрен масштабный проект по привлечению прямых инвестиций в приоритетные сектора экономики - особые экономические зоны. По итогам 18 лет эксперимента создано 50 ОЭЗ с 66 000 рабочих мест. Регистрацию прошли 1128 резидентов, в ...
Development of relations between China and Russia
В 2022 году после введения санкций США и ЕС против ключевых предприятий РФ наблюдается тенденция к заметному увеличению торгового оборота между Россией и Китаем. Ключевую роль в развитие деловых отношений играют Росийско-китайский деловой совет и ...