Activities of Public Organizations in Russia

The term “public organization” appeared in the legislation of the Russian Federation in 1995. The law provided a legal definition of the so-called “third sector.” Public organizations are understood as associations of proactive individuals created to accomplish specific tasks, achieve goals, and protect common interests. In Russia, there are numerous such associations. Citizens who are members of public organizations constitute approximately 25% of the total population of the Russian Federation. They address social issues in numerous cities and tackle pressing problems.

“Opora Rossii” (Support of Russia)

Деятельность общественных организаций в России

This public organization was established in late 2002 in Moscow, uniting nearly half a million entrepreneurs and operating not only in Russia but also internationally. “Opora Rossii” represents the interests of small and medium-sized businesses in the country.

The objectives of this public association include:

  • Protecting small and medium-sized entrepreneurial activities.
  • Advocating for business interests.
  • Creating optimal conditions for entrepreneurs.
  • Assisting in the consolidation of business people to accelerate the pace of economic development in Russia.

The public organization “Opora Rossii” was created to address pressing issues such as reducing tax rates, countering numerous inspections by relevant authorities, reducing the share of the “shadow economy,” and developing clear reporting for entrepreneurs. The main outcome of the association’s activities is that all initiatives by “Opora Rossii” are now considered by the State Council and personally by the President of Russia. Entrepreneurship issues were discussed at relevant meetings from 2015 to 2018. In 2013, the organization achieved a differential approach to contributions made by businesspeople concerning social payments in the form of insurance premiums. At the initiative of “Opora Rossii,” the Strategic Development Council was created, a decision approved by the President.

“Association of Young Entrepreneurs of Russia”

«Ассоциация молодых предпринимателей России»

The creation of this public association was the result of the efforts of many young and ambitious individuals who sought to achieve specific heights in business. “AYE” was officially registered in 2007 and currently unites about 10,000 young entrepreneurs from across Russia.

The strategic goal of the organization’s members is to modernize the Russian economy as a whole. Additionally, “AYE” wants to see the younger generation of entrepreneurs as patriots of their country, actively participating in its political life.

The tasks of the “Association of Young Entrepreneurs” include:

  • Comprehensive support for young entrepreneurs and increasing their level of social responsibility.
  • Establishing a long-term dialogue between the authorities and the youth engaged in entrepreneurship.
  • Promoting civilized ways of doing business among the younger generation.

After sixteen years of activity, “AYE” opened its Saratov branch and built relationships with local authorities. Educational projects, forums, and support for student startups are actively promoted.

“Delovaya Rossiya” (Business Russia)

«Деловая Россия»

The public association “Business Russia” advocates for the interests of medium and large-scale entrepreneurial activities. The organization was established at the end of 2001, with the participation of the President of the Russian Federation in its first congress. The meeting discussed current issues in the country’s large business sector.

“Business Russia” has a clear strategic goal, which is to support a partnership dialogue between business and the state for the successful implementation of Russia’s economic policies. Ultimately, entrepreneurs and the country’s leadership are interested in increasing GDP and improving citizens’ welfare.

The main tasks of the public organization include:

  • Ensuring the protection of large and medium-sized businesses from arbitrary actions by inspection bodies and competitors.
  • Interaction with Russian citizens to form an adequate attitude towards entrepreneurs and their business.
  • Implementing numerous social projects aimed at improving people’s living standards.

“Business Russia” has brought together about 7,000 large entrepreneurs and 400 senators representing the interests of the people at the federal and regional levels. Additionally, more than 3 million people are employed in large enterprises associated with the organization. The association has created about two dozen thematic clubs where pressing issues are discussed and resolved. “Business Russia” has over 200 international organizations as partners, and its proposals have helped formulate about 150 assignments from the country’s prime minister. Overall, the organization has succeeded in achieving significant and comprehensive support for the Russian industry.

Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RUIE)

«Российский союз промышленников и предпринимателей»

The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, RUIE, held its inaugural congress in late 1991. The union sees its mission in safeguarding the interests of business circles in Russia. Some of the key tasks of RUIE include:

  • Developing projects outlining the economic development paths of the Russian Federation and communicating this information to the country’s leadership.
  • Safeguarding the interests of representatives from the industrial, construction, and service sectors.
  • Establishing a dialogue with governmental structures and promoting the representation of its members in positions of power.

The primary goal of the union is to ensure the best conditions for the development of the industrial and entrepreneurial sectors.

It’s worth noting that RUIE is the largest association that has united representatives of entrepreneurship and industry within one public organization. The result of RUIE’s work has been the consolidation of over 300,000 representatives from industrial enterprises and commercial organizations across the country. Currently, the industries and entrepreneurship represented by RUIE contribute to approximately 60% of Russia’s GDP.

Public Chamber of the Russian Federation (PC RF)

Общественная палата Российской Федерации

The Public Chamber of the Russian Federation was established in the summer of 2005. It serves as an advisory body necessary for achieving consensus between society and the authorities, protecting democracy and constitutional rights, and addressing socio-economic issues. The goals of PC RF include:

  • Providing comprehensive support for the establishment of civil society institutions.
  • Engaging in informational battles against corruption.
  • Developing measures to prevent social tension.
  • Protecting citizens’ constitutional rights.
  • Promoting patriotic ideas among Russians and involving the country’s residents in public discussions.

Over the years, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation has managed to maintain support from socially oriented organizations. In 2015, over 600 million rubles were allocated for these purposes. Measures were taken to reduce accommodation fees in dormitories, and the supply of goods for diabetics to Russia was organized. Additionally, based on the sessions of PC RF, the tourism sector was reformed, and significant amendments were made to the law protecting adolescents from harmful information.

Russkiy Mir (Russian World)

«Русский мир»

The public organization Russkiy Mir was created in the mid-2007, and the President of the Russian Federation signed the decree on the establishment of the foundation. The founders of Russkiy Mir are two ministries: education and foreign affairs. The organization was created to draw attention to the study of the Russian language and culture. Russkiy Mir operates in many countries worldwide. The goals of the organization include:

  • Facilitating programs for the study of the Russian language abroad and popularizing Russian culture, which is an integral part of world culture.

The Russkiy Mir Foundation addresses the following tasks:

  • Providing the global community with truthful information about the history and culture of Russia.
  • Offering comprehensive support to teachers of the Russian language and literature who engage in educational activities both in Russia and abroad.
  • Assisting public organizations involved in developing modern methods of teaching the Russian language.
  • Collaborating with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in implementing the state’s foreign policy.

The results of the organization’s activities include the opening of over 100 Russian Centers operating in 52 countries worldwide. Numerous assemblies, creative competitions, and educational forums have been conducted. However, in recent times, the centers and offices of the foundation located abroad have experienced unprecedented pressure from supporters of Russophobia.

Russian Management Community (RMC)

«Российское управленческое сообщество»

The Russian Management Community received its official registration from the Ministry of Justice in 2010. The result of the organization’s activities was the creation of business clubs, the hosting of intellectual festivals, and the launch of the unique project “SHOO.” The strategic goal of the public organization is to achieve a high level of economic and social development in Russia by training professionals in the field of management. The tasks of RMC include:

  • Executing a plan for training personnel in the field of management.
  • Utilizing advanced training technologies.
  • Exchanging experiences with international organizations.

Разрабатываем Стратегии для собственников бизнеса в целях оптимизации группы компаний, решения нестандартных задач и продажи активов. Оказываем услуги по сопровождению сделок M&A, управлению непрофильными активами и проектами в целом.

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